Flash Player Osx El Capitan

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Bash script to update Adobe Flash Player on OS X (NPAPI Version).

For the past couple of years Adobe has announced their Flash Player will no longer be supported. That support ended a couple of days ago. Adobe is recommending (and so am I) that people uninstall Flash Player. This article explains why Adobe ended Flash Player and lists the steps necessary to uninstall it. If you still have Flash Player on. Hi, I am unable to install flash player for my Mac using Safari - mac os x el capitan 10.11.6. I have uninstalled, worked with Apple Tech for 2 hours, - 8618985. Bash script to update Adobe Flash Player on OS X (NPAPI Version). flash-update.sh. Cara Memperbaiki Masalah Adobe Flash di MacOS El Capitan Banyak pengguna mac terus menghadapi masalah dengan Adobe Flash Plugin. Ini karena Adobe Flash Plugin menjadi usang, ketika pembaruan didorong oleh Adobe dan secara khusus Safari memblokir situs yang mengharuskan Adobe Flash dijalankan.

Flash Player Osx El CapitanFlash player os x el capitan
# Script is a modified version of http://hints.macworld.com/article.php?story=20110503171510369
# and https://jamfnation.jamfsoftware.com/discussion.html?id=7658
# Check if we are running as root
me=`basename '$0'`
if [[ '$USER'!='root' ]];then
echo'You must run this script as root: Type 'sudo '$me''.'
exit 1
latestver=`/usr/bin/curl -s http://www.adobe.com/software/flash/about/ | sed -n '/Safari/,/</tr/s/[^>]*>([0-9].*)<.*/1/p'| head -1`
# Get the version number of the currently-installed Flash Player, if any.
currentinstalledver=`defaults read'/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/Flash Player.plugin/Contents/version' CFBundleShortVersionString`
# Compare the two versions, if they are different or Flash is not present, then download and install the new version.
if [ '${currentinstalledver}'!='${latestver}' ];then
echo'`date`: Current Flash version: ${currentinstalledver}'
echo'`date`: Available Flash version: ${latestver}'
echo'`date`: Downloading newer version.'
curl -s -o `dirname $0`/flash.dmg $url
echo'`date`: Mounting installer disk image.'
hdiutil attach `dirname $0`/flash.dmg -nobrowse -quiet
echo'`date`: Installing...'
installer -pkg /Volumes/Flash Player/Install Adobe Flash Player.app/Contents/Resources/Adobe Flash Player.pkg -target /
sleep 2
echo'`date`: Unmounting installer disk image.'
hdiutil detach $(df | grep ${volname}| awk '{print $1}') -quiet
sleep 2
echo'`date`: Deleting disk image.'
rm `dirname $0`/${dmgfile}
newlyinstalledver=`defaults read'/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/Flash Player.plugin/Contents/version' CFBundleShortVersionString`
if [ '${latestver}'='${newlyinstalledver}' ];then
echo'`date`: SUCCESS: Flash has been updated to version ${newlyinstalledver}'
echo'`date`: ERROR: Flash update unsuccessful, version remains at ${currentinstalledver}.'
# If Flash is up to date already, just log it and exit.
echo'`date`: Flash is already up to date, running ${currentinstalledver}.'

Adobe Flash Player Pour Mac Os X El Capitan


Adobe Flash Player Mac Os X El Capitan

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