Folk Nation Setsgangster Disciples

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The '8' Ball Alliance Between The Crips and The Gangster Disciples (Folk Nation)


keywords: white gangster disciples, 211 crew, hells angels prison, gangland pagans, aryan alliance, saxon knight, insane gangster disciples, gipsy jokers, gypsy joker motorcycle club, gypsy jokers, white prison gangs, saxon knights, insane gangster disciple, pagan motorcycle club, deadman inc, pagans mc, tom silverstein, insane gangsta disciples, pagans motorcycle club, pagan mc club, the. The Gangster Disciples (Often abbreviated as GDN, GD) are a street gang which was formed in the South Side of Chicago in the late 1960s, by Larry Hoover, leader of the Supreme Gangsters, and David Barksdale, leader of the Black Disciples. The two groups united to form the Black Gangster Disciple Nation (BGDN). The Gangster Disciple Nation was born out of two organizations. In the beginning, there were two separate organizations: The Disciple Nation, whose President was David Barksdale, and the Gangster Nation, whose President was Larry Hoover. There were many branches of both organizations.

The 8 Ball Alliance started in the midwest after the 8 ball alliance that occurred in Kansas City, Missouri in 1993 during a gang peace summit. It started because the local Crip sets and Gangster Disciples were getting savagely attacked by the local Blood sets Vice Lords,and Black P Stones. The Bloods and Black P Stones in Kansas City would naturally team up against the other gangs because of their alliance they already had in Los Angeles. So the local Crip sets and Gangster Disciples decided to create a secondary alliance and unite under the 8 ball, which is what you get when you put the 'C' hand sign and a 'Pitch Fork' hand sign together. This alliance caused the Crips who participated in it to adopt the 6 point star with their own meaning and create their own literature to implement the 6 point star in. In light of the Crip and Gangster Disciple alliance, the local Blood sets and Almighty Black P Stones in Kansas City, Missouri took it upon themselves to form a secondary alliance also. The name for this alliance was called the Almghty Flame Alliance (AFA). This alliance caused the Bloods who participated in it to adopt the 5 point star with their own meaning and create their own literature to implement the 5 point star in. All Crips and Gangster Disciples under the 8 ball alliance were to add new teachings to their lit called 'The Universal 8 Ball Doctrine'. In addition to the The Universal 8 Ball Doctrine, Crips sets under the 8 Ball Alliance have created the '8 Ball Crip Bible'. All Bloods and Black P Stones under the AFA alliance were to add 'Red Flame Manifesto' to their lit. Although these secondary alliances were non-official local alliances that were not embraced in and held no weight in the motherlands of Chicago and Los Angeles, these alliances were still widely embraced by almost everyone else and quickly spread.

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The Black Gangster Disciples (GD) were formed in Chicago's Englewood neighborhood in the 1960's. The organization has traditionally portrayed itself to the public as a legitimate yet aggressive agent of social and political reform. Folks know that knowledge is put here to hlep our minds grow and to help us become better disciple for our nation.folks have always been the best and strongest nation and will never be second to anyone.thats why as a fellow brother of the struggle you should repersent not only your self but your nation with nothing but the best pride.

The 8 Ball Alliance and Almighty Flame Alliance was firmly established by the end of 1993 throughout the United States. Many (not all) Chicago and Los Angeles motherland natives have shown great animosity and hatred towards these new alliances due to the many changes in the structure and ways of the Bloods, Crips, Gangster Disciples, and Almighty Black P Stones that participate in these alliances have made from their origins. Eventhough the Gangster Disciples strictly represent to the Right, the 8 ball Crip sets have continued to represent to the left like the original Crip sets. This shows that even though they have made the secondary alliance with the Gangster Disiples, Crips have no interest in being part of the Folks Nation. Not all Crips represent the 6 point star. Only Crips under the 8 ball alliance represent the 6 point star. The 8 Ball alliance has also caused members from both the Crips and Gangster Disciples to splinter off and create new hybrid Crips / Gangster Disciple combination gangs that are known to represent to the Left side like the Crips in Los Angeles, but have the word 'Disciple' attached to their set name

Some Crip sets and Gangster Disciples that were under the 8 ball alliance have been known to 'Crack' the 8 Ball, which is dropping the 8 Ball alliance and going to war with each other. Once those individuals decide to crack the 8 Ball, they revert back to their origins and drop all 8 Ball lit from their teachings. Cracking the 8 Ball does not affect the Hybrids.

Folk Nation Setsgangster Disciples List

Some Crip sets and Gangster Disciples are still under the 8 ball alliance in certain states in the Midwest, South, and East Coast. Many Crips and Gangster Disciples participate and join up in 'stacking' (throw up gang signs) together. In the South, Crips and Gangster Disciples are considered 'cousins'.

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